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Basic Vocabulary PDF (New Edition) by Wasik


Basic Vocabulary PDF (New Edition) by Wasik

Basic Vocabulary PDF (New Edition) by Wasik

Basic Vocabulary একটি ব্যতিক্রমী বই। যেখানে মূলত Root থেকে ভেঙে ভেঙে Vocabulary শেখার দারুণসব কৌশল দেখানো হয়েছে। যেমন-

✅Use একটি সহজ শব্দ। সেখানে থেকে-
1) Amuse- বিনোদন দেয়া (V)
2) Abuse- গালি দেয়া (V)
3) Profuse- প্রচুর (Adj)
4) Defuse- নিষ্ক্রিয় করা (V)
5) Misuse- অপব্যবহার করা (V).
6) Bemuse- হতবুদ্ধি হওয়া (V)
এইভাবে একটা সহজ শব্দ "Use" হতে নতুন নতুন সকল শব্দ শেখার অনন্য সহায়িকা এই বইটা।

✅আবার, একটু ভিন্ন ভাবে বললে,,,,
1) Impudence- বেহায়াপনা (N)
2) Imprudence- অবিচক্ষণতা (N)
এখনে Spelling এর সূক্ষ্ম ভিন্নতা আছে এবং সেজন্য অর্থও ভিন্ন ভিন্ন হয়েছে।
✅এছাড়া, BCS, Bank Job-সহ সকল চাকরি পরীক্ষায় আসা Previous Vocabulary এইভাবে ভেঙে ভেঙে আলোচনা করা হয়েছে এই বইটিতে। যা চাকরি প্রত্যাশী সকল ভাই বোনদের জন্য বেশ সহায়ক ভূমিকা পালন করবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ।
পাশাপাশি, GRE হতে Collected Exclusive Vocabulary আছে যা Advance Vocabulary শেখার ক্ষেত্রে বেশ কার্যকর হবে। তাই Easy To Advance Vocabulary একদম Root হতে শিখাতে এই বইটি খুবই সহায়ক হবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ।

Basic rules to improve English...!🍀

1. Listening : Improve your listening is a very powerful method to improve your listening skill as well as speaking. It is 100 % true that whatever we can listen, we can speak.
Listening is an art and if you are good at it, surely you are going to speak English naturally. Be a good listener.
A good listener is always a good speaker.  Listen English on a daily basis, at least 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. 
2. Speaking : We must talk every day in English to improve our speaking skill. 

Start speaking from today, don't wait for tomorrow. It does not matter your grammar is okay or not, just make some practice partner and start speaking with them. So many people are afraid to speak English because they are shy. Don't be shy, if you can not speak correctly even try to speak in broken English, but start to speak in English.  Mistakes are very common, so don't worry about mistakes just try to express yourself. 

3. Reading : Reading is also an art. Be a good reader. Good readers are good leaders. Read less but read carefully. Every day read two pages but read them many times. 

Reading is very good to improve your grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary. 
4. Writing : Make a notebook. Every day try to find five to ten sentences and write on your notebook. Read those sentences many times. Try to understand sentence structure, once you got it, you can make many sentences from a single sentence. 
5. Thinking : Start to think in English.

 Thinking is a very important part of spoken English because whatever you can think, you can speak.  So make a habit to think in English. In the beginning it may seem difficult, but by practice and practice it is possible.

How to think in English — Remind all the activity in your mind...what did you listen, what did you speak with your partners, what did you read and what did you write in your notebook.... In this way you can make habit of think in English...!🍀

from NewsArticleInfo https://ift.tt/BrKLZuS

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